Embracing Mediocrity

Write Down Your Principles! The two most powerful practices that radically improved my life were meditation and writing down my principles. If you do these two things I guarantee you a much better life. (1/5)

— Ray Dalio (@RayDalio) October 19, 2022


Live healthy.

The human body is incredible. We owe it to these incredible machines (barring a better analogy) to treat them with the utmost respect.

I must emphasize this does not mean skipping out on fun nights with friends. They make life worth living.

The key is finding a balance.

Work hard.

We are standing on the shoulders of the giants. The amount of effort and innovation that allowed this webpage to even exist unfathomable. We owe it to those who pioneered before us as well as future generations to make this world better.

Prefer radical transparency.

Embrace minimalism.


I do not like having a lot of stuff.

Having fewer possessions makes daily life more sustainable.

Prefer quality products. I support BuyItForLife.

For practical, durable and quality made products that are made to last.


Prefer brands with quality guarantees.


I really like Warp's "How We Work" page.

Eliminate meetings as much as possible.

Embrace automation.