Embracing Mediocrity

This page describes habits I think apply to so-called 10x engineers.

It is a living document, meant to change as I progress in my career.

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When I started my first full-time job, one of the biggest skills I learned and identified in engineers I respect is their ability to communicate. 2023 was the worst year of my life for a number of reasons. This bled over in to my work.

"You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink."

Everyone has some opinion, formed to varying degrees, of how an organization should operate. Being outspoken, by itself, cannot guarantee change for the better. Communicating a vision for change can. Software can be incredibly helpful in this respect.


From what I have seen, the best engineers use tools effectively. This is likely generally applicable to any profession.

A mindset that has helped me improve in this space is reflecting on how I could have completed a task more efficiently.